America’s escalating race war: Who benefits from a mind-controlled Charleston shooter?

On Wednesday June 17th, nine African-Americans were shot to death in a church in South Carolina, allegedly by a 21-year-old white man named Dylann Storm Roof. The attack took place during evening prayers in one of the country’s oldest churches, at Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church. The church has one of the largest black …

SOTT Talk Radio, Upcoming show – Hysterical America: Terrorized by Guns and Tobacco

Show cancelled due to technical errors; stay tuned for update re scheduling it for next Sunday 17th February 2013! Fear is a perfectly healthy and normal human response that comes in handy when reading the environment for clues and successfully navigating reality. But just casting an eye over some of the crazy stories making the … Talk Radio Show – Gun Control USA: Do Guns Protect Freedoms?

In this second SOTT Talk Radio show on January 27th 2013, I discussed with co-host Joe Quinn and special guest Jason Martin the recent furor over proposed US government gun control legislation in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, and the implications for Americans’ right to bear arms. Many 2nd Amendment advocates insist that …