A twin-engine Piper Aztec crashes shortly after take-off a Truckee Tahoe Airport on September 21, 2011
I was checking my inbox for news updates the other day when I came across this story about a plane crash in Truckee, Nevada County, just north of Lake Tahoe, on the Californian side:
Authorities say a small plane that took off from Southern California missed the runway and crash landed at an airport in the Sierra town of Truckee.
Despite severe damage to the plane, the pilot walked away uninjured.
Nevada County sheriff’s Lt. Alicia Milhous says the 62-year-old pilot took off alone from John Wayne Airport in Orange County shortly before noon Tuesday in a single-engine Cirrus SR22.
About 90 minutes later he approached the Truckee Airport amid gusty winds, clipped a trailer on the way down and crashed into brush about 40 feet off the runway.
Milhous says the plane had heavy damage but the pilot, whose name has not been released, was not hurt.
The cause of the crash has not been determined.
The National Transportation Safety Board will investigate.
I got a sense of deja vu, so a quick search later I found this:
Crews were in the process of rescuing the lone occupant of a small plane that went down Thursday afternoon near Truckee Tahoe Airport, according to the Nevada County Sheriff’s Office.
At about 3 p.m., NCSO received a report that a single-engine aircraft crashed 7 miles east of the airport, near the California/Nevada border, said Undersheriff Joseph Salivar. The report came from the plane’s occupant, using a cellphone. His injuries were unknown.
Helicopter rescue crews from Calfire and the California Highway Patrol assisted in airlifting the victim from the crash site.
The cause of the crash is unknown. It was unclear as of late Thursday if the plane was flying to or from the Truckee airport.
The investigation has been turned over to the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board.
Two plane crashes at or near a small airport in one month? Just unlucky I guess.
Cal Fire, the California Highway Patrol and a medical helicopter responded to small plane crash in the Tahoe National Forest.According to Federal Aviation Adminstration spokesman Allen Kenitzer, a Cessna 421 was headed to Reno when it was lost off radar about 1:25 p.m.
Cal Fire dispatchers report the air ambulance spotted the downed twin engine plane as did a CHP aircraft crew.
Sierra County sheriff’s deputies had the crash site sealed off until NTSB investigators could reach the area on Friday.
The smoking wreckage could be seen from Verdi peak a few miles to the north just before sunset Thursday evening.
There was no early word on the status of the plane’s pilot and/or passengers.
The Cessna 421 is an eight seat, pressurized aircraft often used as a corporate plane. It was on final descent into Reno when it vanished off radar. The FAA said the aircraft is registered to TRI-WINGS LLC based in Reno.
Dispatchers said witnesses said they saw a fireball in the sky before the plane went down.
Verdi Peak is in California, about 25 miles west of Reno, Nevada and 107 miles northeast of Sacramento.
I guess three plane crashes in one month near an airport that serves a town of 16,000 inhabitants makes them ‘very unlucky’.
In addition, there was a fourth plane crash on the other side of Lake Tahoe between Carson City and Reno, Nevada on May 15, 2013. Again, it involved a small aircraft and again there was no explanation for why it crashed.
This means that, altogether, there have been at least 11 plane crashes at just one tiny airport in four years – 15 if we include the other crashes to the north, east and south of Lake Tahoe!
I don’t know if there’s any connection between these events, but I’m wondering if that rate of plane crashes is normal for an airstrip that’s largely servicing general aviation, single-engine, private flyers?
Internet radio host and former RT presenter Adam Kokesh is hoping to get 1,000 people to march on Washington, D.C. this coming July 4 – armed with loaded rifles. Their plan is to gather on the Virginia side of the Potomac, then march across the bridge with loaded rifles slung over their shoulders. Here’s their Facebook message:
On the morning of July 4, 2013, Independence Day, we will muster at the National Cemetery & at noon we will step off to march across the Memorial Bridge, down Independence Avenue, around the Capitol, the Supreme Court, & the White House, then peacefully return to Virginia across the Memorial Bridge. This is an act of civil disobedience, not a permitted event. We will march with rifles loaded & slung across our backs to put the government on notice that we will not be intimidated & cower in submission to tyranny. We are marching to mark the high water mark of government & to turn the tide. This will be a non-violent event, unless the government chooses to make it violent. Should we meet physical resistance, we will peacefully turn back, having shown that free people are not welcome in Washington, & returning with the resolve that the politicians, bureaucrats, & enforcers of the federal government will not be welcome in the land of the free.
Whatever the merits of making an armed statement of intent to the Federal Government, it should by now be clear to most thinking Americans that gun control is a side issue that is of no real concern to the government. No new gun control measures have passed since the Sandy Hook Massacre. However, in the wake of the Boston Bombings, ‘CISPA’ has edged closer to becoming law. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act “helps the U.S government investigate cyber threats and ensure the security of networks against cyberattacks”. In short, the government understands that the real battleground is ‘winning the hearts and minds of the American people’ by tightening control of the internet through ‘cyberwarfare’ that targets dissidence against its authority.
Adam Charles Kokesh is an interesting character. He has his own Wikipedia page, where we read:
Kokesh was a corporal in the United States Marine Corps Reserve and is a veteran of the Iraq War. He is an outspoken opponent of the U.S. military intervention in Iraq and has received media attention related to anti-war protest activities. He is the son of Charles Kokesh, a Santa Fe venture capitalist, founder of a firm called Technology Funding, and owner of the Santa Fe Horse Park.
He brought home a pistol from Iraq in 2004 in violation of military rules, which prevented his return for a second Iraq tour.
That seems to me like a fairly innocuous offence to prevent valued soldiers – especially one that volunteered for service in Iraq – from continuing active tours of duty.
In no time at all, Kokesh became a fairly high-profile media personality on the alternative news circuit, an outspoken anti-war activist, 9/11 Truther, Ron Paul supporter, etc, etc.
Remember ‘PATCON’
The following information is gleaned from the outstanding documentary about the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, A Noble Lie.
Short for ‘PATRIOT CONSPIRACY’ – PatCon was an undercover FBI operation launched around 1991. Modelled after COINTELPRO, which officially ended in 1971 (yeah right!), the idea was to infiltrate every militia group, every neo-nazi group, in fact – every single domestic group that was in any way critical of the government – by placing a combination of paid informants and sheep-dipped agents inside all of these groups.
By the time this counter-insurgency program was active, they had sent a young Tmothy McVeigh to Camp Grafton for explosives training in preparation for his role in the Oklahoma City Bombing. More than that, however, the CIA created a ‘terror cell’ with other ATF and FBI informants and named it the Ayran Republican Army, members of which McVeigh hung around with in Elohim City in Oklahoma.
This is what McVeigh was doing during the few months for which there is ‘no record’ prior to the OKC bombing. Besides explosives training, this quiet, obedient soldier developed a ‘legend’ for himself so that by the time he resurfaced in Oklahoma, he is playing the role of ‘raving anti-government activist’. In short, McVeigh was ‘sheep-dipped’. He never ‘left the army’. There are no discharge papers because he wasn’t ‘discharged’. He was selected for Special Ops. McVeigh was even accidentally filmed at Camp Grafton in North Dakota during this time.
Why he agreed to speedy execution remains somewhat mysterious for now, but the fact that he was visited repeatedly by notorious mind control hypnotist and CIA shrink Louis Jolyon West (of MK-Ultra and Sirhan Sirhan fame), coupled with his rigid obedience to the government he believed he was serving, meant that he was ‘a good soldier’ to the very end.
The Branch Davidian compound ablaze near Waco on April 19th, 1993
Today is April 19th. Today is the 20th anniversary of the dreadful end of the Waco Siege and Massacre, when Janet Reno and Bill Clinton cleared Federal agents to set fire to the Branch Davidians’ compound in Waco, Texas, killing all 76 men, women and children inside.
Today is also the 18th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, when the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in downtown Oklahoma City was blown up, killing 168 people. The blast was so powerful that 324 buildings within a sixteen-block radius were destroyed or damaged, 86 cars were burned, and glass shattered in 258 nearby buildings. Timothy McVeigh was sentenced to death for his role in the attack, although how a ‘truck bomb loaded with fertilizer’ caused so much damage remains a mystery. We were told he did it to avenge the Waco massacre and oppose the Federal Government’s ‘gun control measures’. The Oklahoma City Bombing went down in history as a case of ‘domestic terrorism’ by wannabe revolutionaries, but everyone ought to know by now that that was a ‘Noble’ Lie.
Four days ago on April 15th 2013, Tax Day in the U.S., someone set off two shrapnel bombs at the Boston Marathon. The resulting carnage is identical to that seen in Baghdad day in, day out for 10 years. The Boston Tea Party was a key turning point in the growth of the American revolutionary movement. The annual Marathon is always held on the third Monday in April – Patriots’ Day – a public holiday in Northeastern U.S. states to commemorate the opening battles of the American Revolutionary War – the Battles of Lexington and Concord – on April 19th, 1775.
Patriot Day is, of course, since 2001, marked on September 11th. The Boston Bombings are the first terrorist attack on U.S. soil in 11 years. And, just for good measure, another round of ‘poisoned letters‘ were sent to members of Congress and the President himself, again taking us back to the Anthrax scare in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.
Victims of the December 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut were honoured in this year’s Boston Marathon, with surviving family members seated among the spectators at the finish line where the bombs went off. Speaking of mass shootings, tomorrow, April 20th, is the 14th anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre. ‘Gun control’ remains the same divisive issue in America today that it was following the Oklahoma City bombing. A bill to enforce stricter background checks on firearms purchases was narrowly defeated in Congress the day after the Boston Bombings. The real issue, of course, is mind control, not gun control. That is after all why they’re named ‘psychological operations’…
Yesterday, April 18th, 2013, an enormous explosion at a ‘fertilizer retail facility’ outside the small town of West, Texas, barely 10 miles north of Waco, Texas, left between 5 and 30 residents and emergency response personnel dead. In fact, the site is closer to the township of Elk, where the Branch Davidian compound was located, than it is to the town of Waco itself. Like so much about this incident, the numbers are hazy. What is known is that the blast was so large that it left a mushroom cloud in the sky, measured 2.1 on the Richter Scale, and was heard and felt up to 50 miles away. Oh, and NBC News today reminds us that the fertilizer stored there was allegedly ‘the same type used in the Oklahoma City Bombing‘…
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” F.D.R.
The Oklahoma City bombing: a truck loaded fertilizer did this? Hardly…
In this time of rampant corruption by the elites, austerity measures for the rest of us and strange signs in the sky, I’ve got to ask: Are events being deliberately staged to keep people afraid and supportive of their government against anyone who speaks out against said government? The ‘hidden hand’ of shadowy actors is certainly behind some of it. And while they may or may not be oblivious to the fact that the people are restless from all the warmongering, electioneering, excessive taxation and signs of significant environmental change, I think we see in these events that the themes of state repression, social unrest and revolution are being expressed through these symbolic markers.
Whatever the extent of the ‘hidden hand’ of dark actors, I wonder if, in the greater scheme of things, our symbolic universe or cosmos organizes events through human mass consciousness? The psychopaths in power believe themselves capable of bending reality in their favour by manipulating the consciousness of crowds. But if it’s true that ‘the past’, just like ‘facts’, is an alien concept to them, and if it’s true that ‘wishful thinking will get you every time’, I rather suspect that far from being ‘the creators of reality‘, the so-called Powers That Be ultimately serve a higher purpose they have no understanding of; that they are “Part of that power which would do evil constantly and constantly does good.”
Some people are getting worked up about this Family Guycartoon that ‘predicted’ the Boston Bombings. It didn’t really do that of course, although there were some unsettling similarities. Like The Simpsons cartoon ‘predicting’ 9/11, are these ‘prophetic glitches’ (for want of a better term) examples of the mass consciousness – or rather, the mass unconscious – speaking to itself, through symbols and signs, from ‘the future’, so to speak?
Events have meaning to the extent that people give them meaning. Often the events are crafted and their meaning given to them by certain people for the purpose of beguiling masses of other people. But regardless of how they get their meaning, reminders of past events during current unfolding events can serve as warnings of probable futures. In Boston this week, the U.S. received a tiny taste of the probable future that awaits it – bloody annihilation into an utter wasteland, like Iraq – if people don’t take notice of the signs and align what they see of reality with how the universe sees it.
“Humans have always unknowingly affected all the Universe by every act and thought they articulate or even consider. . . . Realistic, comprehensively responsible, omni-system-considerate, unselfish thinking on the part of humans does absolutely affect human destiny.” – Buckminster Fuller
What is clear is that folks are picking up on the ‘connectedness’ of it all, consciously or otherwise. Take this comment from D.L. Wilson of the Texas Public Safety Department, who yesterday described the West, Texas ‘fertilizer’ explosion as “massive – just like Iraq, just like the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City.”
When I first watched this video of the Texas explosion, I wondered if something had exploded into the building from the left side, but I quickly discarded this on the grounds that a fire was already underway. After all, what are the odds of two discrete events being connected in this way – a fire followed by an apparently unrelated explosion caused by a projectile coming from elsewhere?
But then my colleague Joe Quinn pointed me to this version of the video, where the impact footage is seen in slow-motion towards the end:
Just before the facility blew up, you see grey-black smoke blowing away from the fire, but also what may be a separate source of brighter light or flame appearing from the left hand side. Here’s a frame taken at 1’07:
A raging inferno near Waco, 20 years on…
It seems that we’re not the only ones who suspect that something hit the site from above. Here’s the explosion from another, wider angle:
An impactor from above, perhaps? Well, stranger things have happened…
Exactly 6 months before the Boston Bombings, on October 15th 2012, an apparent comet fragment blew up over Louisiana, resulting in a massive shockwave that sent glass flying in the town of Camp Minden and left debris strewn across a railway track. This incident, by the way, was blamed on a “munition dump explosion”…
By way of closing comment, I’ll just remark that Syria’s President Bashar Al-Assad yesterday told journalists “the West” would “pay a price” for backing al Qaeda against his government and people. How interesting then that a town called ‘West’ in Texas was then partially destroyed, “as if by nuclear explosion”. If in fact it was slammed by a meteor, well now, that would be the icing on the cake of a very portentous week indeed for the USA.