Historical anomaly: U.S. WWII propaganda film ACCURATELY portrays Russia and ‘most epic battle in history’

I’ve just watched an excellent 1943 documentary by Oscar Award-winning director Frank Capra, and produced by the US government. It’s a rare thing to behold: an accurate – in fact, a rather glowing – portrayal of Russia and its historical role as shock absorber to invading hordes. The film was recently uploaded to the YouTube …

Full-spectrum chaos: US Empire in freefall as crises pile up

Remind me again, what is US policy in the Middle East Southwest Asia? Confused by the US’ contradictory ‘handling’ of Iran? The Obama administration appears to be courting Iran, while the Republican and AIPAC-dominated Congress is pushing for war. The struggle lies in the efforts of the US government to keep Iran ‘on side’ lest …

Goldman Sachs couldn’t do God’s work without City of London, the Western oligarchy’s ‘European Headquarters’

Noam Chomsky once wrote, regarding censorship, that while you will not find the truth on the front pages, it’s very often in plain sight on the business pages. The following gem in yesterday’s Guardian isn’t quite ‘splainin’ things up front, but with geopolitics and Western oligarchs’ ‘balance-of-power’ strategy in mind, it’s not difficult to see …